As most of you have seen, car insurance rates have been going up because of the significant increase in claim costs over the past few years. It’s been difficult for us to see how this has impacted customers and have worked on ways to help including…
REVIEW AVAILABLE DISCOUNTS - We go through every discount available to make sure that the customer is getting the lowest rate. The Good Student discount is particularly important because it can make a big difference for younger drivers that are in high school or college.
MORE OPTIONS - Another tool that we have is that as independent agents we can shop for different insurance companies to give the customer a better rate. This is a little tougher now than before because, with the instability in the market, new business applications can be more expensive and restricted than renewals. But in some cases, it does help and so we do check.
REBALANCING OPTIONS - Insurance is a balance of price and coverage. As prices are going up, some customers have decided to update their coverages such as their deductibles so that their price is within their budget. It’s a personal decision so our approach is to give options and recommendations so that the customer can ultimately make an informed decision of what is best for them.
PRICE BREAKDOWN - We are able to give our customers a breakdown of their rate by car and driver (usually the paperwork from the company shows the breakdown by car). This can help them better understand their car insurance and the factors that may be impacting the rate.
If you would like to review your coverages with us, please contact us at our Bell Gardens office at 323-773-4429.